Quantum Health

Healing in the simplest form.

What is Quantum Medicine?

Through understanding how the body works at a quantum scale, I guide my clients towards optimal health using the very powers of Mother Nature from which we evolved.

Light | Water | Magnetism

These forces unlock the inherent healing powers of the body.

Hi, I’m Jalal

A long time ago I read this quote from Muhammad Ali:

“The Service you do for others is the rent you pay for your room here on Earth”

After this, I knew what I had to do. I’m deeply passionate about improving the lives of others. So when I stumbled upon the truth behind health, I knew I had to dig deep, study hard and develop the knowledge to help my clients achieve optimal health.

I work hard to improve myself everyday so I can serve others. Faith, my wife and children are my driving force.

I’m really excited about the prospect of empowering you with health, vitality, discipline and motivation.

Much love,

Work With me

Private Coaching

Private health coaching to help you obtain optimal health.


Monthly Membership Group

My monthly membership for practitioners. To be released shortly.


Lectures, Webinars & Courses

Currently developing the library. To be released later this year.


Problems that a Quantum Health approach addresses:

Always Tired

Poor Sleep

Weight Issues


Fertility Trouble

General Optimisation

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